Thursday, January 15, 2009

Monastic Journal - Day 9


Here is the order of the morning:
Breakfast at 6am
Morning prayer
Desert Fathers discussion
Psalms session
Sexuality session

The session on sexuality was pretty good, and in it Stan presented some really unique ideas about purity and guarding our hearts and minds. After lunch we went out with Dick to the woods, trekking through the shin-deep snow, and we burned lots of large piles of wood, and added more dead wood we found and cut up. We made a good time out of this, and we tried to keep up with Dick, a 61 year old man who is in better shape than all of us. This lasted all afternoon, and then we had a great dinner of chili and good fellowship.

After this we had a chance to sit down with Steve Clark, the founder, and some of the other elders. Steve Clark feels like such a legend to me. This man was instrumental in the beginnings of the charismatic movement and founding the communities of believers that evolved into the Sword of the Spirit, and he founded the Servants of the Word brotherhood. His leadership and influence have impacted and helped to change the lives of literally MILLIONS of people! Yet he is this meek old man, reticent in his speech, and who wears this thick flannel shirt every time I've seen him that blends in with the tan couch he was sitting on tonight. He's done so much for the Kingdom of God, and he just has this presence around him (probably just because I know of what a big deal he is) that makes him seem like a legend.

Tonight I definitely experienced God working in a few of us. He put a very similar pull in both my heart and Joel's for HU, which through our excited talking, along with Austin and eventually Justin, turned into a vision, which turned into a plan. We want to bring God back to the campus of HU in a way that encourages a commitment of radical discipleship among our peers. We are going to bring morning prayer to HU. Three times a week at 7am we are going to gather people in Fetters chapel for prayer and worship, in a similar (but not quite the same) fashion as the brothers do here. This may sound crazy, but all four of us know that this is not just another one of our crackpot ideas that will never happen. The Holy Spirit was moving among us, in our words and thoughts and plans that seemed to be so in sync among all of us. This is God's thing, and we know that He is going to bless this. It has to be His thing, because 3 out of the 4 of us are not morning people at all and are not good at finding motivation for things like this. We're excited about this, and excited for God to move on our campus. So if you're from HU and happen to be reading this, be prepared. I feel like God is going to do some great things this coming semester on our campus, and this is one way I think He is calling us to bring that about.


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