Saturday, January 17, 2009

Monastic Journal - Day 10


Today was another transition day, when we moved from Chelsea to Detroit. I was pleasantly surprised overall by our short stint in Chelsea. The brothers were mostly older, but we could still joke around with them and have fun. And I felt like every one of those men there was such a vast source of wisdom that we barely got to see or tap in to.

We left for Detroit after lunch, and got here around 3, which was much earlier than they were expecting us. We've had a lot of miscommunication on this trip as far as schedules, but it's not really a big deal. When we got here, since we were so early and didn't have anything to do, I took a nap and ended up being out for about two hours. I'm probably not going to be ablet o get to sleep tonight as a result (also because I'm sleeping next to Austin, a notoriously loud snorer). After a good dinner of homemade pizza, we went with Mark, one of the brothers, to an African-American Catholic prayer meeting, which sounded very unusual, but was pretty good.

I don't really have much else for today. I've been praying that God would continue to reveal His will to us about having morning prayer at HU. Today as I was thinking about this, I started thinking about how much it's going to suck getting up that early 3 times a week. My night of sleep had waned the excitement that we initially had about it, and doubts started to creep into my head. I realize that this was our Enemy trying to get at me. So I'm just praying for confirmation and further guidance on that. Until then,


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