Monday, January 12, 2009

Monastic Journal - Day 5


Today (Sunday) was what it was intended to be: a day of rest. And that was really nice. I appreciated it. I didn't really learn any great spiritual truths or have any profound God moments today, but I think God just used this day to let me rest. And it occurs to me that that is what the Sabbath is all about, which I hardly ever practice.

We went to church with Mike Kramer this morning. It was alright. Afterward though he took us out to lunch at a breakfast buffet, which was awesome. We had to make a stop at Wal-Mart to buy new darts for the house, since we basically ruined most of their darts over many a game of cricket.

About mid-afternoon we went to the Lord's Day gathering for the Work of Christ community. This was pretty good, but it left me uncomfortable and raised a lot of questions within me. There was a lot of singing and prayer, in the charismatic style that I've gotten more used to. Then there was a time for healing and prayer and words of prophecy. This was the part that gave rise to the skeptic in me. Nothing really astounding happened during this time today in the healing, but I did hear some speaking in tongues. Part of me wanted something great and conclusive to happen to "help me with my unbelief," as the man said to Jesus (I don't remember the reference). But i just stood there, skeptical. Part of me thinks that because maybe I've never been baptized in the Spirit and never experienced these things firsthand, that's what makes it so hard to accept. But another part of me asks, if this is the work of the Holy Spirit, who is very present in that moment, then why am I so uncomfortable? I'm a Christian--I've been reconciled to God by Christ through the Holy Spirit. So shouldn't I at least feel confident that the Holy Spirit is present? I don't know. That's all I could come away from that gathering with--I don't know. Maybe I'll learn more later about all of this and God will open my eyes to certain things.

We only have a day and a half left here at the house in Lansing, until we move to the house in Chelsea. I'm going to miss it here. It's only been five days, but these men have become my brothers. We've had a lot of good times here. But there's still so much more to come, which I'm excited for.


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