Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monastic Journal - Day 13


Today was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so we got to sleep in again until 8. God bless that man. Mid-morning, Mark led us in our last foundations session, on living manly character with biblical models. These sessions on manhood have almost seemed kind of sexist to me, but that could just be the influence of my modern, egalitarian culture talking. I don't know, I'm just trying to be open to whatever God might have to teach me. It's just tough sometimes discerning what that might be.

After lunch, Ed and Doc took us on a tour of the city of Detroit by car. It was pretty sad. Detroit just seems to be dying, with all the homelessness, pollution, and the thousands of abandoned buildings around the city. I don't even know what could save it at this point. There seemed to be a lot of despair as we drove around.

We went to a Detroit Community Outreach (basically the small Sword of the Spirit community here) meeting for dinner and prayer. It was a really good time of prayer and worship. It's interesting to me the huge role that music (what we protestants would just call "worship") plays in their prayer. It's not what I would typically think of as prayer, but I like it.

When we got back from that, Ed sat us down and talked to us about being baptized in the Spirit and the spiritual gifts that come with that. Before night prayer the men of the house laid hands on us HU guys and prayed for the release of the fullness of the Holy Spirit into our lives. During this time, I definitely felt like the Holy Spirit was present, but nothing spectacular happened, like I was kind of expecting it to. None of us were slain in the Spirit or spoke in tongues. So did I get baptized in the Spirit? I don't know. That's been my main prayer the last week and a half, to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and I believe that God wants that for me too. So I don't know if anything really happened to me or the other guys tonight. We'll just have to see how it plays out and what God does in our lives.


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