Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monastic Journal - Day 7


Today was a transition day. We started off with the normal morning routine at Lansing, with breakfast and morning prayer. We met with Tadgh to discuss more of our Desert Fathers book, which is getting better as we go on, but still kind of boring and difficult. Then we had two more sessions this morning, one with Nico on the brotherhood covenant, and the other with Mike about the devil and spiritual warfare. By the way, tonight we made the discovery that Nico was literally a rocket scientist! He was an aerospace engineer major at UofM. And now he has his masters in theology or something like that. Nico is my new hero.

After lunch we packed up and headed off to the house in Chelsea. It's on a property of about 180 acres in a beautifully wooded area. I'm looking forward to exploring here. It's mostly older brothers here though, so it's probably not going to come with as much fun as we had in Lansing with the younger guys. A little while after we got here, we had a session with an older guy named Bruce on the Psalms. It was interesting, but I could barely stay awake during it.

Then we went to Ann Arbor for dinner and a UCO prayer meeting. This was pretty good, and we met a lot of people whose names I'm not going to remember, or probably ever meet again.

Now it's a quarter past 11, and I still have to read a bunch from the Desert Fathers and do word study assignments on the Psalms for tomorrow before I have to wake up before SIX-FLIPPING-AM! AHH! All of that probably won't get done before then. Oh well. Goodnight.