Friday, May 8, 2009

What a Terrible Idea...

The American Patriot's Bible is a new hot product right now. This bible (in NKJV) claims that it "shows how the history of the United States connects the people and events of the Bible to our lives in a modern world." The Patriot's Bible comes with accompanying articles that show how the Bible supports the American (religious right) cause and gives a call to action for true American Christians to stand up for their beloved country that is so very blessed by God. In it, George Washington (debated whether or not he was a Deist) is hailed as the "American Moses," and many of its points are taken far out of context. It is a bible for people who love America AND God. I feel like you'd have to love them in that order if this bible is appealing to you. Here's a promo video for the Patriot's Bible, which claims that its readers will "experience spiritual growth, and an enhanced sense of American patriotism."

This is idolatry. This is the religious right combining their worship of America with worship of God. God did not tolerate this kind of religious syncretism with Israel, and I doubt He'll tolerate it now. Here and here are critiques (a softened term for it--he rips it apart) by theologian-pastor Greg Boyd, the author of The Myth of a Christian Nation. The truth is, America is NOT a Christian nation. Many of the founding fathers were Deists, which is pretty much an anti-Christian psuedo-religion borne out of the Enlightenment. I feel like the religious right in America is beginning to try too hard, because they see their downfall coming soon, and in desperation, they've transitioned to idolatry. Sadly, i think many people will be quite taken by this. Any other thoughts?

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