Monday, May 4, 2009

Some Individualistic, Narcissitic Thoughts

No, this is not a "25 Things" blog. Please no. I still refuse to do one of those.

But i think i've been learning a lot of things about myself recently, and they have come to my attention, so i figured i'd write them down.

I prefer to listen rather than talk most of the time. When i'm talking and trying to make a point, i much prefer succinctness over talking for a long time. I have friends that are very good talkers, and they can go on and on about a point, elaborating and elaborating more. Not that that's bad, but it's not my style. I'll try to say it short and say it well. I've especially been noticing this in prayer. Sometimes it almost bothers me when people are praying and they're just going on and on about nothing, and a lot of times it feels like they've said this stuff a thousand times over and they're just saying it to say it. I just like to say what needs to be said and be done with it. That turned into a hyper-critical rant, and i'm sorry about that. Am i disproving my own point? Hmm....

I don't like to form an opinion unless i'm forced to. I find that it works best for me to keep an open mind about most situations when they don't directly apply to me. So that leaves me ambivalent about most things, and I'm okay with that. This applies politically, theologically, philosophically, and relationally. I'll often try to look at the options as objectively as i can and not pick sides until there's comes a point when i have to. I'm not sure yet if this is a good quality or not, but i kind of like it. It makes life and relationships and discussions easier.

My life and my relationship with the LORD improve dramatically when i am doing well at being disciplined, whether it's physically, spiritually, mentally, whatever. But still i don't do well with discipline, regardless of how it affects me. That's dumb.

Sometimes i just like to rebel against the status quo and against popular opinion for the fun of it.

Regardless of that last statement, i've found myself gravitating more and more this past semester back toward the traditional Church practices. There is so much richness and value in those, and it makes me wonder how much other churches are missing out on when they refuse to do traditional stuff.

I like my introverted-ness, but sometimes i wish i was better at conversations with people.

I thought i had more than that, but i guess not. Maybe if i think of more, i'll edit later.


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