Sunday, March 15, 2009

Not of this world

The LORD's been teaching me more and more recently just how counter-cultural Christianity should be. Christianity is not just supposed to be a sub-culture of the American Dream, which i think it has been made into in mainstream Christianity. No, we are truly to be "not of this world" (John 17:14-18). We are supposed to be counter-cultural. Christians may say that they are being counter-cultural when they stand up for things like pro-life over abortion, creation over evolution, banning homosexuality, etc., but these are only issues on the surface of our culture (not to mention just political agendas). Our counter-cultural-ness needs to go so much deeper than that. Because we so often don't even realize how deeply our culture affects our Christianity. So often the ways that we pray, worship, sing, talk about the LORD, and all the other ways in which we "do" Christianity are in ways that are culturally acceptable. And call me radical or unpatriotic or whatever here, but despite how much our culture has affected our Christianity, i don't think it's necessarily our job to make our Christianity affect our culture in areas such as politics, etc.

Have we become to comfortable being "of" this world? What are ways in which we need to be more counter-cultural? I don't really know, i'm still figuring this out. This is just my rambling on some thoughts. Any other thoughts?

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