Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Prayer

This is a prayer I wrote last week on our Spring break road trip. We were on the way to California and I all of the sudden just felt like writing this down. It's long and kind of scattered in places, but I really like it. 

LORD God, King of all Your Creation, Lord of all land and see, all trees and grass, all deserts and rainforests, all bird and beast--all these cry out to You giving You all the glory and honor and praise as You are worthy of. For all of Your creation is a reflection and messenger of Your glory, crying out in a language unknown by any ear but understood by all hearts, and telling of Your majesty and Your eternal reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.

Glory to You, O Master of all, and holy, holy, holy are you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! The powerful angels surround You and submit to You, singing Your praises without ceasing forever and ever. All kings and rulers of the earth are humbled before You, laying down their crowns - their power and authority - before You, Triune God. For on that Day when all things are revealed, no one will be able to stand before You, let alone boast in our own power or claim any control for themselves. Your Power and Authority will bring the claimed powers and authorities of this world to nothing. Because You, O God, are the Source and the Sustainer of all things. In You all things live and move and have their being, and to You goes all the glory for our mere existence.

Glory be to You, Holy Father, who sits upon the Throne of Heaven. You are the Creator and Sustainer of all things and over all things You are exalted as Lord. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End of all things. All things that exist exist for the purpose of glorifying You. You are holy, and You reign forever.

Glory be to You, Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of the Father. You, as the eternal Logos, were present at the very beginning of creation, and all things were created through You. In Your incredible grace, You were united to man, becoming like us in order to pay the debt of our sins and redeem us from the inevitable power of death. In Your death, You took the weight of our sins, and in Your Resurrection, You proved Yourself to be Master over Death, bringing us into new life and inaugurating Your Kingdom among us, to slowly but surely take over this world. You are holy, and You reign forever.

Glory be to You, Holy Spirit, the Giver of life. You are the very Breath that was placed in all the creation to bring about the miracle of life, and You are the very Breath that brings new life into the creation that has been called according to Your purposes, day by day renewing the face of the earth and empowering Your people to do good works. You are the Bringer of Truth, our Advocate and Counselor who is the very presence of God with us, Your people. You are holy, and You reign forever.

Holy Trinity, we are Your servants, and we submit ourselves fully to You for Your purposes. We are Your ambassadors to this world and the messengers of Your Gospel, by which You are making Your Kingdom come here on earth and redeeming all Your creation.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. You are holy, and You reign forever.


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