Saturday, February 5, 2011

Songwriting and Blessings

One real blessing that I've been able to experience this year has been in songwriting. I made it one of my (many) goals at the beginning of the year that I wanted to start trying to write songs. So far I've written five this year. Each time the process seems to be a bit different. Sometimes it takes about 45 minutes before a full song is produced. Other times I get a solid beginning and then wait a few days to come back to it. Mostly I've just been experimenting with different ways to write and worship through song. It's been a great blessing to my prayer life to worship through the creativity that the Lord has blessed me with.

One example is a song I wrote a couple months ago called Psalm 85. With this one, it began mostly as simply an experiment in songwriting for me. I found a riff that I really liked, and decided to make it into a song. So I just opened up to the Psalms and found number 85 and started working with it. So lyrically, it wasn't so much inspired, but I figured that since it's Scripture, it's already inspired, so...there you go. But it's turned out to be one of my favorites of what I've written so far. Sorry the quality is pretty crappy, but check it out:

 Psalm 85 (Restore Us Again) by benwulpi

Feel free to check out my other works at my SoundCloud page. I'd love to hear people's thoughts on them. Hopefully some of them will get used in corporate worship someday soon.

For the praise of His glory,


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