Monday, August 23, 2010

How Sweet It Is

"How sweet it is when brothers and sisters dwell together in unity." (Psalm 133:1)

This was the verse on my mind all throughout the week that I was able to attend to COA (Campus Outreach Academy). When we arrived last Sunday, I knew a total of about 5 people beforehand (and those I had just met the week before), out of about 90 people altogether at this retreat. But after just a few days, it was easy (and necessary!) for me to call all these people my brothers and sisters. It was awesome how a group of people from all different backgrounds could come together to worship and fellowship with such passion. 

The focus of the COA this year was on ecumenism. If you don't know what that is, by definition it's

/ɪˈkjuːmənɪz(ə)m/ (noun) the principle or aim of promoting unity among the world's Christian Churches.

Ecumenism and Christian unity have long been strong parts of the calling that the Lord has put on my life, so I loved every minute of it. And what was even cooler than all the talks was seeing ecumenism lived out in a very real way at the retreat. There were Catholics, Orthodox, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists (I think I was the only one of those, actually), and others--all worshiping and fellowshipping together. It was a beautiful thing. I love corporate worship, and witnessing a huge crowd all lift up their hands and voices to the King of kings. But to see that happening among traditionally disparate groups who have been unable to worship together because of their differences--that was incredible. 

And we ask, how can we make this happen in a larger context, out in the world? The answer, I've found, is with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit longs to bring believers together and to unite us under one purpose and one Name. UCO and its supporting communities were borne out of the charismatic renewal movement that started in the 1960s, right here in Ann Arbor. This movement believes strongly in the work of the Holy Spirit and working for ecumenism. And the latter can only be possible by the former. It's really cool to see the results of this being worked out in real life. I've never really had any Catholic friends, and I didn't really know that there were any Orthodox believers in America. But now I can say I have friends (more so, brothers and sisters) in both denominations, and many others. 

The COA has made me very excited for what this year is going to bring, and the work that the Lord is going to do through us. Unfortunately, I had to leave COA early (it's actually still going on now), to come home and be with my family as we wait for my grandpa to pass away. So if you all wouldn't mind sending a prayer for my family in this time, we'd appreciate it. 

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