Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Idolatry of Politics

Go read this great article by Greg Boyd, a theologian whose ideas, although open theistic and sometimes pretty radical, I really respect.

It bothers me that so many people in our country treat politics like a religion. It bothers me that if you're not one of those people who touts Barack Obama likes he is the Messiah, you're one of those who denounces him like he's the anti-Christ. It bothers me that people put so much of their hope and security in the voting booth. It really bothers me that so many Christians think this is okay.

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to vote. It's not just that I'm apathetic about both candidates (which is true), but I think it's almost my own little rebellion from this system of idolatry. People tell me that voting is my chance to have my voice heard, and if I don't vote, I won't have the right to complain later if things don't go my way. That seems like such petty reasoning to me by those who may put too much hope in our system of politics. I find my hope in Christ, whose Kingdom is not of this world. The Kingdom of God is a higher priority to me than any "kingdoms" of this world. Not to say that I'm rebelling against America or am not grateful for the benefits and freedoms of living here. But to put so much importance on America because some might call it "God's nation" is borderline idolatry to me.

Christians: to put our hope in a worldly system of politics is not okay. To live in a way that is consumed by this system of politics is not okay, because we are supposed to be living for a greater Kingdom.


  1. hey hey I've definitely been thinking about this sort of thing recently. The thing is, I really don't care that much about which candidate wins because its simply not that important to me. I know that sounds bad, and yes, I know that politics affect my life every day, but the thing is.. whatever happens, I believe that God will be there still, and along the same lines of what you said.. i put my hope in Him and not in men (and women) that seem to think they have all the answers....

  2. That was kaitie's comment above btw. I have always been rather uninterested in politics. During this election I've heard the whole you need to exercise your right to vote like 5 million times, so it's kind of refreshing to hear this view on things. I probably won't vote--partially out of laziness, but mostly because I honestly don't know who i want to vote for. I'll hear something about one candidate and I'll be like yes, I really agree with that and then the view of the other candidate on the same topic and I'm still like well, that works too. I also feel like we're never really told the whole truth. I prefer looking to God, just like you too. God is neater!!! :)
